
From the United States to Germany and back again, explore these travel posts!

Tulips on display at the Philadelphia Flower Show 2018.

Philadelphia Flower Show Explores Wonders of Water

You know spring is near when the Philadelphia Flower Show rolls into town. Each year the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) hosts the wildly popular show downtown at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. For 2018, the show is tackling the theme of water. This precious and limited resource is highlighted in some interesting and unexpected ways. But,

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Mummers strut during Philadelphia's Mummers Parade on New Year's Day.

Philadelphia’s Historic Mummers Tradition

The Mummers are one of those distinctly Philadelphia traditions that can be difficult for outsiders to understand. It’s like scrapple or booing Santa Claus at a football game. Each year on New Year’s Day the Mummers Parade takes place. Weather permitting, this community of sequins-wearing, string band dancing and playing group strut their stuff through

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Indian art on display at the Freer|Sackler Galleries in Washington DC.

Washington DC’s Freer|Sackler Galleries of Asian Art

The Freer|Sackler, that is the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, is easy to miss along the imposing and impressive National Mall in Washington, DC. The galleries are surrounded by significant museums. Just across the way is the popular Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian Castle. The Hirshhorn Museum

Washington DC’s Freer|Sackler Galleries of Asian Art Read More »