
From the United States to Germany and back again, explore these travel posts!

Gates of Hell relief at the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia.

Rodin Museum Brings French Sculpture to Philly

Nestled between New York City and Washington, D.C., Philadelphia can be easily overlooked. We’re often underrated. But the City of Brotherly Love has some incredible secrets, especially when it comes to art. The Rocky movies memorialize the front steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. But within the walls of the impressive building is, unquestionably,

Rodin Museum Brings French Sculpture to Philly Read More »

Relive colonial Philadelphia with a visit to the Liberty Bell.

Colonial Philadelphia: From Liberty Bell to Independence Hall

From the Liberty Bell to the Declaration of Independence, Colonial Philadelphia has an important part in the history of the United States. In addition to Pennsylvania being one of the original thirteen colonies, Colonial Philadelphia served as the location of the First and Second Continental Congresses as well as, temporarily, acting as the capital of

Colonial Philadelphia: From Liberty Bell to Independence Hall Read More »