Looking for festive music for your holiday party, to wrap gifts, or simply to embrace the Christmas spirit? Whatever the reason, there’s no better time to combine holiday cheer with your German language practice.
May your days be merry and bright with these traditional German Christmas songs! Learn the carols and make new traditions and memories that will last a lifetime. Here are ten of the most popular and beloved German Christmas songs, plus five modern tunes to keep your holidays fresh and festive!
Want to fully embrace the holiday season? Check out my guide for German Christmas decorations and German gift guide to help you celebrate at home.
Traditional German Christmas Songs
Let these traditional German Christmas songs fill your home with joy and create lasting memories. Which one will you start with?
O Tannenbaum
If “O Tannenbaum” sounds familiar, you would be right! “O Tannenbaum” is the German origin of the beloved “O Christmas Tree.” In German, Tannenbaum means “evergreen tree,” though it has become synonymous with Christmas. Ernst Anschütz wrote lyrics for the traditional melody in 1824. The original German lyrics do not include any references to Christmas.
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
Today, most people may associate “Silent Night” with Bing Crosby’s version of the song. However, the song originated in Austria in 1818, with music by Franz Xaver Gruber and lyrics by Joseph Mohr. It wasn’t until 1859 that it was translated into English by John Freeman Young, an Episcopal priest in New York City. In 2011, UNESCO declared it an Austrian Intangible Cultural Heritage.
O du fröhliche
One of the most well-known German Christmas songs, “O du fröhliche” means “O how joyful.” The song’s melody is from the hymn “O Sanctissima.” The lyrics are by Weimar’s Johannes Daniel Falk. Falk founded a children’s orphanage. The lyrics of the song are dedicated to the children he rescued. After his death, his assistant Heinrich Holzschuher was responsible for completing the lyrics as well as additional verses.
Alle Jahre wieder
“Every Year Again,” or “Alle Jahre wieder,” was written in 1837. Friedrich Silcher put text by Johann Wilhelm Hey to music.
Kling Glöckchen klingelingeling
“Kling Glöckchen klingelingeling” is from the 19th century using a traditional melody. You can translate the title as “Ring bells ringalingaling.” Karl Enslin is the author of the lyrics.
Leise rieselt der Schnee
“Leise rieselt der Schnee,” or “Softly falls every snowflake,” is the work of Pastor Eduard Ebel. He wrote it in 1895. It was originally published under the title “Weihnachtsgruß,” or “Christmas greetings.” The melody is attributed to Ebel. However, in reality, it is unknown if he is responsible for the music.
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
In English, “Lasst uns froh und munter sein” is “Let us be happy and cheerful.” The carolers traditionally sing the song on December 5th (Nicholas Eve or Nikolausabend). It celebrates Saint Nicholas’ feast day.
Fröhliche Weihnacht überall
It is interesting to note that the roots of “Fröhliche Weihnacht überall” are actually English! But it is ironic, however, that the original English text was lost. August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben is responsible for the German lyrics that we sing today.
Ihr Kinderlein, kommet
You can translate “Ihr Kinderlein, kommet” as “Oh, come, little children.” This German Christmas song uses lyrics from 1798 as a basis. The text comes from a poem by Christoph von Schmid, a Catholic priest. Notably, the poem has been set to music more than once. J. A. P. Schulz first put it to music in 1794. Finally, in 1837, Franz Xaver Luft put von Schmid’s poem to music. It is Schulz’s melody, however, that we are familiar with today.
Süßer die Glocken nie klingen
“The bells never sounded sweeter” is a 19th-century German Christmas song. The lyrics are by Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger. The melody is from a Thuringian folk song.
5 Modern German Christmas Songs You’ll Love
Traditions are still being made, whether with fresh takes by today’s top singers on classic songs or new songs capturing the holiday vibe.
Der perfekte Weihnachtsmoment – Max Raabe & Palast Orchester
Max Raabe & Palast Orchester always deliver a smooth, classic sound that still captures modernity. On “Der perfekte Weihnachtsmoment,” Raabe and his orchestra deliver a light, dreamlike Christmas classic.
Ich komm nach Haus (Wenn das Jahr zu Ende geht) – Johannes Oerding
As part of the television show Sing meinen Song‘s Christmas album, Johannes Oerding recorded “Ich komm nach Haus (Wenn das Jahr zu Ende geht).” Co-written by Oerding, the piano ballad is a beautiful and somber moment for the festive period.
Wenn es Weihnachten wird – Max Richard Leßmann
Indie rocker and author Max Richard Leßmann released “Wenn es Weihnachten wird” in 2017 (now available on the German Christmas compilation album Deutsche Weihnachtslieder). The bright and upbeat song bounces with a choir of background singers.
O Du fröhliche – Helene Fischer
While “O Du fröhliche” was already mentioned as a traditional German Christmas song, you can’t overlook it when one of Germany’s biggest singers covers it. Helene Fischer‘s 2015 Christmas album Weihnachten is full of her take on classic Christmas songs across the generations. The track sees her joined by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Christmas in My Heart – Sarah Connor
German pop singer Sarah Connor rarely sings in her native tongue. Her eighth studio album was her first in German!) Though sung in English, the heartfelt “Christmas in My Heart” captures a festive feeling that resonates across cultural boundaries.
Do you have a favorite song from this list? Or perhaps another German Christmas tune you’d recommend? Share your thoughts below and let’s celebrate the season together!
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Many years ago a friend and I wrote English words to many German Christmas Carols. The English words were written so that they rhyme and also can be sung. In fact a colleague recorded them in English.
I had some on my webpage but could not continue this webpage. I am willing to share these, if you are interested.